<% Dim id Dim count1, answer1 Dim count2, answer2 Dim count3, answer3 Dim count4, answer4 Dim count5, answer5 Dim count6, answer6 Dim count7, answer7 Dim count8, answer8 Dim count9, answer9 Dim count10, answer10 Dim count11, answer11 Dim count12, answer12 Dim count13, answer13 Dim count14, answer14 Dim count15, answer15 Dim count16, answer16 Dim count17, answer17 Dim count18, answer18 Dim count19, answer19 count1 = Request.Form("count1") answer1 = Request.Form("answer1") count2 = Request.Form("count2") answer2 = Request.Form("answer2") count3 = Request.Form("count3") answer3 = Request.Form("answer3") count4 = Request.Form("count4") answer4 = Request.Form("answer4") count5 = Request.Form("count5") answer5 = Request.Form("answer5") count6 = Request.Form("count6") answer6 = Request.Form("answer6") count7 = Request.Form("count7") answer7 = Request.Form("answer7") count8 = Request.Form("count8") answer8 = Request.Form("answer8") count9 = Request.Form("count9") answer9 = Request.Form("answer9") count10 = Request.Form("count10") answer10 = Request.Form("answer10") count11 = Request.Form("count11") answer11 = Request.Form("answer11") count12 = Request.Form("count12") answer12 = Request.Form("answer12") count13 = Request.Form("count13") answer13 = Request.Form("answer13") count14 = Request.Form("count14") answer14 = Request.Form("answer14") count15 = Request.Form("count15") answer15 = Request.Form("answer15") count16 = Request.Form("count16") answer16 = Request.Form("answer16") count17 = Request.Form("count17") answer17 = Request.Form("answer17") count18 = Request.Form("count18") answer18 = Request.Form("answer18") count19 = Request.Form("count19") answer19 = Request.Form("answer19") Dim oConn Set oConn = PollMentor_GetDatabaseConn() Dim oRS If Request.QueryString("save")="yes" Then Set oRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Dim sID sID = Request.QueryString("id") If sID = "" Then sID = 0 Else sID = CInt( sID) End If oRS.Open "select * from " & Poll_GetTablePrefix()& "poll where id = " & sID, oConn, 1, 3 If Request.QueryString("action") = "new" Or Request.QueryString("action") ="edit" Then If Request.QueryString("action") = "new" Then oRS.AddNew End If If count1 = "" Then count1=0 End If oRS("count1") = count1 oRS("answer1") = answer1 If count2 = "" Then count2=0 End If oRS("count2") = count2 oRS("answer2") = answer2 If count3 = "" Then count3=0 End If oRS("count3") = count3 oRS("answer3") = answer3 If count4 = "" Then count4=0 End If oRS("count4") = count4 oRS("answer4") = answer4 If count5 = "" Then count5=0 End If oRS("count5") = count5 oRS("answer5") = answer5 If count6 = "" Then count6=0 End If oRS("count6") = count6 oRS("answer6") = answer6 If count7 = "" Then count7=0 End If oRS("count7") = count7 oRS("answer7") = answer7 If count8 = "" Then count8=0 End If oRS("count8") = count8 oRS("answer8") = answer8 If count9 = "" Then count9=0 End If oRS("count9") = count9 oRS("answer9") = answer9 If count10 = "" Then count10=0 End If oRS("count10") = count10 oRS("answer10") = answer10 If count11 = "" Then count11=0 End If oRS("count11") = count11 oRS("answer11") = answer11 If count12 = "" Then count12=0 End If oRS("count12") = count12 oRS("answer12") = answer12 If count13 = "" Then count13=0 End If oRS("count13") = count13 oRS("answer13") = answer13 If count14 = "" Then count14=0 End If oRS("count14") = count14 oRS("answer14") = answer14 If count15 = "" Then count15=0 End If oRS("count15") = count15 oRS("answer15") = answer15 If count16 = "" Then count16=0 End If oRS("count16") = count16 oRS("answer16") = answer16 If count17 = "" Then count17=0 End If oRS("count17") = count17 oRS("answer17") = answer17 If count18 = "" Then count18=0 End If oRS("count18") = count18 oRS("answer18") = answer18 If count19 = "" Then count19=0 End If oRS("count19") = count19 oRS("answer19") = answer19 oRS("question") = Request.Form("question") End If If Request.QueryString("action") = "del" Then oRS.Delete Else oRS.Update End If oRS.Close Set oRS = Nothing oConn.Close Set oConn = Nothing Response.Redirect "admin_default.asp" End If %> <% If Request.QueryString("action") = "edit" Then Dim oRS2 Set oRS2 = oConn.Execute( "select * from " & Poll_GetTablePrefix() & "poll where id = " & Request.QueryString("id") ) question = oRS2("question") answer1 = oRS2("answer1") count1 = oRS2("count1") answer2 = oRS2("answer2") count2 = oRS2("count2") answer3 = oRS2("answer3") count3 = oRS2("count3") answer4 = oRS2("answer4") count4 = oRS2("count4") answer5 = oRS2("answer5") count5 = oRS2("count5") answer6 = oRS2("answer6") count6 = oRS2("count6") answer7 = oRS2("answer7") count7 = oRS2("count7") answer8 = oRS2("answer8") count8 = oRS2("count8") answer9 = oRS2("answer9") count9 = oRS2("count9") answer10 = oRS2("answer10") count10 = oRS2("count10") answer11 = oRS2("answer11") count11 = oRS2("count11") answer12 = oRS2("answer12") count12 = oRS2("count12") answer13 = oRS2("answer13") count13 = oRS2("count13") answer14 = oRS2("answer14") count14 = oRS2("count14") answer15 = oRS2("answer15") count15 = oRS2("count15") answer16 = oRS2("answer16") count16 = oRS2("count16") answer17 = oRS2("answer17") count17 = oRS2("count17") answer18 = oRS2("answer18") count18 = oRS2("count18") answer19 = oRS2("answer19") count19 = oRS2("count19") oRS2.Close Else End If %> PostcardMentor - Admin interface
¡@ Admin interface
¡@ <%=FAQ_GetAd(1) %>

<% Dim sURL sURL = "admin_poll.asp?save=yes&action=" & Request.QueryString("action") sURL = sURL & "&id=" & Request.QueryString("id") %>

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<%=FAQ_GetAd(3) %> <%=FAQ_GetAd(2) %>